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W126 500SEC S-Klasse BVLgari-ul nr2

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  • 'Lun Mar 18, 2019'

    La ultima ''vizita" tot nu am reusit sa remediez problema relantiului, care tot nu vrea sa scada de la 1100-1200rpm. Am vazut un filmulet pe net, unde un tip a desfacut(este capsat) valva de aer care regleaza relantiul, cica de acolo ar fi problema. Mai exact delungul aniilor se acumuleaza depuneri si aceasta valva nu mai inchide si nici nu functioneaza corespunzator! In ciuda faptului am incercat si cu un alt releu "Idle Speed Control Relay" cu codul 0045451032, insa nu am observat nici o schimbare, tot acelasi simptome! Chiar daca relantiul nu a coborat, am lasat-o sa se dezmorteasca un pic.

    Reluam cautarile la noua vizita.

    Intre timp adun piesele noi pentru directie, frane, bucseraie si alte maruntisuri.

    Ahhh, era sa uit, am comandat si chederul buclucas care nu mai este livrabil pe OEM, A1268312398 ...chederul care vine la baza parbrizului...

    Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

    W126 280SE
    W123 280CE
    W126 500SEC
    W220 500L

    'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


    • ' Lun Mar 18, 2019 '

      La ultimul eveniment "Retro Classic Stuttgart" nu m-am intors cu mainile goale

      Prospecte si manual de utilizare...


      Si cireasa de pe tort, daca o pot numi asa . Un Tacho AMG 300Km/h , tachoul este nou, nefolosit, cel putin asa se pare dupa rotitele dintate de la mecanisme. De acolo mi-am dat seama, findca la tachoul 280-lui, cu care am avut probleme anterior, rotitele erau innegrite de la uzura si pe cand asta este perfect curat, nu se cunoaste uzura!



      Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

      W126 280SE
      W123 280CE
      W126 500SEC
      W220 500L

      'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


      • Originally posted by mer_se280 View Post
        Intre timp adun piesele noi pentru directie, frane, bucseraie si alte maruntisuri.

        'Mie Mar 20, 2019'

        Placute frana fata si frana saboti...

        A0054204520 placute frana

        A1264200120 saboti


        Originally posted by mer_se280 View Post
        Ahhh, era sa uit, am comandat si chederul buclucas care nu mai este livrabil pe OEM, A1268312398 ...chederul care vine la baza parbrizului...
        A ajuns si chederul "A1268312398" sfarsit scapam de mizeria aia coapta ...


        Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

        W126 280SE
        W123 280CE
        W126 500SEC
        W220 500L

        'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


        • 'Sâm Mar 30, 2019'

          Intre timp au mai sosit:

          Supape aerisire etrier A0004204655

          Set placute etrier spate A0014200620

          Urmeaza alte maruntisuri, discuri frana, piese pentru directie, suspensie si alte achareturi de care o sa am nevoie in perioada urmatoare!
          Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

          W126 280SE
          W123 280CE
          W126 500SEC
          W220 500L

          'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


          • '07 Apr 2019'

            Inca un bifata, Becker Mexico CD BE0865...

            Becker CD BE0865.jpg


            Alte maruntisuri pentru etrier fata...

            Kit reparatie etrier fata A001 586 11 42

            A001 586 11 42.jpg

            Arcuri + cui de siguranta placuta frana Ate 13.0460-0197.2

            Senzor placuta frana Ate 24.8190-0401.2
            Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

            W126 280SE
            W123 280CE
            W126 500SEC
            W220 500L

            'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


            • 'Vin Apr 26, 2019'

              Alte maruntisuri...

              Semicaseta de directie A 126 460 08 19
              A 126 460 08 19.jpg

              Amortizor directie STABILUS 363952...
              STABILUS 363952.jpg
              Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

              W126 280SE
              W123 280CE
              W126 500SEC
              W220 500L

              'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


              • 'Mar Apr 30, 2019'

                Alte piese achizitionate...

                Termostat M117 A116 200 02 15
                A116 200 02 15.jpg

                Suport cutie automata A116 240 04 18
                A116 240 04 18.jpg

                Amortizor motor A126 240 05 48
                A126 240 05 48.jpg

                Kit amortizor motor A123 240 01 17
                A123 240 01 17.jpg

                Suport motor A123 241 30 13
                A123 241 30 13.jpg

                Placuta aparator suport motor A123 241 02 34
                A123 241 02 34.jpg
                Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                W126 280SE
                W123 280CE
                W126 500SEC
                W220 500L

                'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                • Nevasta e de acord cu toate achizitiile astea?
                  Boala grea....fiarele astea


                  • Am noroc ca si Ea e ''contaminata'' cu boala asta, insa din cand in cand am interdictie la piese .
                    Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                    W126 280SE
                    W123 280CE
                    W126 500SEC
                    W220 500L

                    'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                    • 'Vin Mai 10, 2019'

                      Grnitura de la ''baia de ulei'' A1170140322

                      A 117 014 03 22.jpg


                      Bucse cauciuc pentru "osul de caine" A1163334014


                      Suport metalic pentru bucse (bara de torsiune fata) A1263230140

                      Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                      W126 280SE
                      W123 280CE
                      W126 500SEC
                      W220 500L

                      'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                      • ''Sâm Mai 25, 2019''

                        Un ''nou'' set de galerie ''free-flowing'' dedicat pentru M117 ECE 300PS , pentru o evacuare mai buna a gazelor...

                        300 PS ECE.jpg

                        Galeria stock...


                        Galeria ''free-flowing'' care permite o creste mai mare a puterii...
                        M117 ECE 300 PS.png

                        Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                        W126 280SE
                        W123 280CE
                        W126 500SEC
                        W220 500L

                        'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                        • "Joi Iun 13, 2019"

                          Originally posted by mer_se280 View Post
                          nu mai vrea sa scada sub 1100rpm upsss...

                          Urmeaza sa studiez problema in data asta gluma se ingroasa fata de injectia mecanica K-Jetronic

                          Am studiat un pic problema. Cica ar fi problema in actuator relanti cu codul A 0001411625 . In interiorul actuatorului se afla o membrana din cauciuc, care are cu siguranta fisuri si ca urmare nu perminte o etansare corecta si asa rezultand o turatie mai mare de 1100-1200rpm. Este o problema comuna la acest model de actuator!

                          Nu exista chit de reparatie, doar schimbat nou/SH. Unul nou in DE costa in jur de 1100€

                          Ramane sa mai studiez problema ca sa scap mai ieftin

                          Intre timp a aparut si un volan, mai altfel , chit ca nu este modelul pe care il caut W126, insa imi place. Necesita putina atentie, piele noua si polishat lac, la final ne alegem cu un volan frumos...

                          Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                          W126 280SE
                          W123 280CE
                          W126 500SEC
                          W220 500L

                          'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                          • 'Lun Iun 24, 2019'

                            Ultimele achizitii:

                            Vas lichid parbriz A1268690520 ...
                            A 1268690520.jpg


                            Filtru ulei pentru cutia automata A1262770295

                            Garnitura injector A1160700077
                            Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                            W126 280SE
                            W123 280CE
                            W126 500SEC
                            W220 500L

                            'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                            • 'Joi Iul 18, 2019'

                              Chit ca nu va fi niciodata un AMG original, insa imi plac chitibusurile . Schield original AMG din anii ''70-''80 cu codul de referinta c7810244.
                              AMG logo '80.jpg

                              AMG logo.jpg


                              Candva o sa vina si randul lor sa le folosesc...

                              Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                              W126 280SE
                              W123 280CE
                              W126 500SEC
                              W220 500L

                              'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                              • 'Vin Aug 16, 2019'

                                Setul de simeringuri pentru supape cu codul A1170500367 X2...sigur o sa am nevoie de ele

                                Upgrade furtun frana, renuntam la cele traditionale si trecem pe Goodridge Stahlflex...
                                Goodridge Stahlflex.jpg

                                Putina lectura nu strica niciodata " Buying and Maintaining a 126 S-Class "
                                Nik Greene.jpg
                                Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                                W126 280SE
                                W123 280CE
                                W126 500SEC
                                W220 500L

                                'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                                Logan | Dacia Logan |Anulare DPF