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Coduri de eroare

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  • #31

    Generic OBD Error Code Details for P0105

    Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit
    What does this mean?
    OBD Code P0105refers to
    The MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure) sensor is part of the fuel management system. It reacts to changes in engine manifold pressure. The PCM (Powertrain Control Module) monitors the MAP sensor continually to properly run the engine. Changes in engine load require changes in the amount of fuel injected, and timing of the ignition system, etc. An engine under load has more manifold pressure(or less vacuum) than an engine that is coasting. As the load changes, the MAP sensor voltage signal to the PCM changes accordingly. To check the MAP sensor operation, though, the PCM watches other sensors to verify that the MAP sensor is working properly. For example, the PCM compares the TPS (Throttle Position Sensor) signal to the MAP signal to verify the MAP signal isn't "sticking". If the PCM doesn't see a MAP sensor change immediately follow a change in the throttle pedal sensor, it knows there is a problem with the MAP sensor and sets P0105. Or, if the PCM notices that the TPS indicates the engine is under load, but the MAP signal indicates that the engine is "coasting" it, again, knows there is a problem with the MAP sensor or TPS and sets P0105.
    Possible sumptoms of OBD code P0105
    Poor running engine Engine runs rich Engine won't idle Engine backfires through tailpipe Engine misfire under load or at idle MIL (Malfunction Indicator Lamp) illumination In some extreme cases there may be no symptoms other than MIL illumination
    Possible causes of OBD code P0105
    MAP sensor vacuum hose disconnected or plugged Bad MAP sensor Bad TPS Damaged or problematic MAP sensor connector Damaged or problematic TPS connector Damaged wiring Short to reference voltage on signal circuit of MAP sensor Loss of ground to MAP sensor or TPS Open on signal circuit of MAP sensor Bad PCM
    Possible Solutions
    Using a scanner or code reader, turn the ignition on and engine OFF; what does the MAP sensor voltage read? It should be about 4 Volts for sea level. If you are at a higher altitude, it should decrease about half a volt or so for each 1,000 ft. of altitude (this will vary from model to model) Or if you have a separate MAF (Mass air flow) sensor on your vehicle, they are usually equipped with a Barometric pressure reading. If so, the Baro reading should match the MAP reading (they both measure ambient air pressure). If they're roughly equal, then, check for Freeze Frame data of the MAP sensor (if available). NOTE: Freeze Frame data is the PCM recording a fault when it happens. It captures the readings of the various PIDS (parameter identifiers)available to troubleshoot what happened. It's like a recording of the problem as it happened. At idle a typical MAP sensor Voltage reading should be about a volt, and at WOT (wide open throttle) it should approach 4.5 to 5 Volts. As for the TPS, at idle, the voltage reading is about 1 Volt or less. As the throttle is opened the reading will increase to 4.5 Volts at WOT. Do the two readings make sense? For example, if the TPS reading on Freeze Frame data shows 2.5 Volts (indicating partial throttle) does the MAP sensor indicate a reading that isn't at either extreme? Using the Freeze Frame data (if available) compare the MAP reading to the TPS when the problem occurred. This can help you identify what happened If you have no access to Freeze Frame data then check if the MAP sensor voltage changes when you apply vacuum to it. You can do this by mouth or a vacuum pump. The voltage should increase as you apply vacuum. If the reading doesn't change as you apply vacuum, make sure there are no obstructions in the hose to the sensor. If the hose is clear, the MAP sensor is usually bad, but it doesn't rule out the following from causing the problem: Does the MAP sensor appear to be stuck at less than .5 Volts? Then: NOTE: This code shouldn't set if the MAP is stuck at extremely low voltage, however, I'm adding it in because there's no way to know for certain for which vehicles a low voltage condition may set a P0105. Inspect the wiring harness and MAP sensor connector. Repair any damage Unplug the MAP sensor connector. Also, at the PCM connector, remove the MAP sensor signal wire and check for continuity to the MAP sensor connector. If there is infinite resistance, then repair open in MAP signal circuit. If the signal wire has continuity to the MAP sensor connector, then check for 5 volt reference voltage to the connector and a good ground. If both are present, then re-install all removed wiring and replace the MAP sensor. Does the MAP sensor appear to be stuck at full 4.5 voltage? Then: Inspect the wiring harness for damage. Repair as needed Remove the MAP sensor signal wire from the PCM connector. With a voltmeter measure the voltage with KEY ON ENGINE OFF. Is there 4.5 Volts? If so, unplug the MAP sensor and recheck. If it is still present, then repair short between the signal wire and 5 volt reference wire. If unplugging the MAP sensor causes the voltage to disappear, check that the ground is intact. If it is, then replace the MAP sensor due to internal short.
    Related Codes
    P0106 P0107 P0108 P0109


    • #32
      Multumesc din suflet. Mai detaliat de atata nici ca se putea...o sa pun in practica pasii trimisi, mersi. Sa auzim de bine


      • #33
        Presiunea calculata de ECM la valoarea din galerie nu corespunde cu presiunea pe care o dezvolta Turbina. Posibile cause mecanice sau electrice ce detin defectiuni la diferite componente.

        Originally posted by mercedesSTT View Post
        Salut, am un C class W203, 200 CDI din 2004, si se plafoneaza la 3000 RPM, la tester am fost si ii dadea eroare P0105, sensor presiune, l-am schimbat si aceeasi eroare. Va rog, ce as mai putea verifica la ea ? mutlumesc


        • #34
          Rog pe cineva care stie sa-mi spuna si mie ce reprezinta codul de eroare B1025(Comunicare CAN disturbata cu SIH)
          Multumesc frumos!


          • #35
            Azi am umblat putin la climatronic sa vad ce erori am si am gasit cele enumerate mai jos cine imi poate spune ce sunt defectele ( mentionez ca eroarea 416 si 227 nu o pot sterge )

            B1241 Refrigerant Fill
            B1416 Coolant circulation pump (M13)
            B1227 Outside temperature indicator temp sensor (014)
            B1235 Emissions sensor (B31)


            • #36
              Poate sapi.
              Attached Files


              • #37
                Buna ziua, sunt posesorul unui mercedes w 203 220 cdi an fabricatie 2000 si am unele probleme si anume,nu imi functioneaza comenzile de pe volan de pe partea stanga mentionez ca clanxonul si comenzile de pe partea dreapta functioneaza daca ma poate ajuta cineva cu unele informatii, am cautat in forum si se pare ca nimeni nu a a vut asemenea problema,am mai scris despre acceasta situatie si nimeni a raspuns,va doresc o seara placuta si mb fara probleme


                • #38
                  Aici e CODURI de EROARE! Ai cautat si nu e topic, deschide unul. E claxon, nu clanxon...


                  • #39
                    " cutaresku " multumesc pentru raspunsul tau direct este de nota 10 ai stat mult si te`ai gandit ???.

                    Dupa erorile specificate mai sus, in mare imi dau seama dar poate a mai intalnit cineva si imi poate spune ceva concret care sunt rezolvarile



                    • #40
                      Prostu' nu e prost destul pana nu e si fudul...
                      Daca nu poti traduce ca n-ai freon, pompa de recirculare e dusa, asijderea cei doi senzori, mai bine mergi la mecanic.
                      Last edited by cutaresku; 02-05-2014, 09:06 AM.


                      • #41
                        La gradul tau de inteligenta ma mira ca ma esti deja online pe forum =))) , si stai linistit ca stiu engleza .

                        Tarane de asta exista forum , pentru ca orice om care are o problema si nu stie de unde se se apuce de treaba sau care sunt urmatorii pasii pentru rezolvarea problemei

                        Tu esti c`a un mecanic de al meu ( el nu stie sa repare nimik ci doar sa inlocuiasca cu ceva nou ---mare meserias )

                        Din problemele de mai sus specificate poate s`a mai intalnit cineva de pe forumul asta si nu a trebuit inlocuirea lor si doar repararea.
                        Last edited by denzzel; 02-05-2014, 09:24 AM.


                        • #42
                          Ma cauti peste un an sa-mi spui daca ai rezolvat.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by denzzel View Post
                            Azi am umblat putin la climatronic sa vad ce erori am si am gasit cele enumerate mai jos cine imi poate spune ce sunt defectele ( mentionez ca eroarea 416 si 227 nu o pot sterge )

                            B1241 Refrigerant Fill

                            B1416 Coolant circulation pump (M13)---Verifica pompa de recirculare habitaclu, este acea pompa care iti permite intr-un interval de timp x dupa oprirea motorului sa mentii temperatura in habitaclu.

                            B1227 Outside temperature indicator temp sensor (014)
                            B1235 Emissions sensor (B31)
                            Since you know the fill is correct, if it were me I would replace the refrigerant temp/pressure sensor. They sometimes fail giving the same symptoms which you describe. The sensor is on the receiver/dryer located at the front/left of the engine bay.

                            Un tester Star face cat 100 de pagini si discutii.
                            Iti cumperi masina dupa ยด90 si te superi cand esti trimis la tester?
                            Ai atat de multa rabdare si timp ca sa scrii porcarii pe forum dar nu ai ca sa cauti pe goagal o eventuala probabilitate si pe alte forumuri internationale?
                            Ai colegi de forum in judetul tau dar refuzi o eventuala intalnire si colaborare/schimb de pareri cu ei?
                            Eu sunt de la tara dar tu dragule esti mai taran decat oricare cetatean crescut la tara.


                            • #44

                              Am un C class din 2000 benzina.a aparut avertizarea temp apa cu codul P2020:Fuel injector cilinder 6 P0206. Stie cineva ce inseamna?


                              • #45
                                Buna ! va rog sa ma ajutati! Am un C220 CDI din 99 la care apare EPC pe se mai tureaza mai mult de 3000!!! Am facut teste peste teste, toti isi dau cu parerea, masina ramane cu problema...
                                Erorile sunt> P0110-intake air temperature sensor B17,
                                P1622-Shut-of valve Y75,
                                P1630-Drive autorization signal,
                                P0100-Hot film mass air flow sensor B2/5!

                                Am scris exact cum arata pe aparatul de test.
                                Multumesc pentru orice sfat!


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