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motor diesel 1976

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  • motor diesel 1976

    Salutare.Am si eu o nedumerire despre un motor.Pot afla despre un motor diesel dupa seria lui?Este un motor care avea cuplat un compresor iar baia de ulei are suporti cu tampoane de cauciuc.seria 636.944.061901 si mai are una 6360110801.Multumesc

  • #2
    Dar ce fel de motor e,ce marca nu stii? Adica dupa numele discuta preponderent de motoare si lucruri in legatura cu Mercedes-Benz. Asa ca daca motorul gasit de tine care era legat la un compresor nu este de cred ca ti-l poate gasi nimeni dupa niciun cod.
    "MERCEDES-BENZ", the BEST or nothing!!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by moskyno93 View Post
      Dar ce fel de motor e,ce marca nu stii? Adica dupa numele discuta preponderent de motoare si lucruri in legatura cu Mercedes-Benz. Asa ca daca motorul gasit de tine care era legat la un compresor nu este de cred ca ti-l poate gasi nimeni dupa niciun cod.
      Tăcerea era de aur ... Era frumos să te documentezi înainte de a te arunca cu capu-nainte ...

      ORICE, repet, orice motor MB (la fel, şi orice caroserie) are un cod, că aşa-i făcut neamţu' ăsta, de la mama lui ...
      Respectivul cod 636.944 este al motorului din seria Diesel OM636 (prima serie din cele de "1 milion de km"), cu 4 cilindri, 1767 cmc, 25 kW (34 CP), şi a fost montat începând din 1949 pe 170D (W136), 170DS (W191) şi 180D (W120 - Pontonul), printre altele, căci agregatul ăsta a mai văzut şi ambarcaţiuni.
      Ah, da compresorul: dat fiind faptul că a echipat şi Unimog-uri, nu m-ar mira să fi fost folosit şi la un compresor ...

      Ia şi citeşte d-aci, că mi-e lene să traduc tot ...

      OM 636 HISTORY

      The legendary Mercedes-Benz OM 636 four cylinder in-line, indirect injection diesel engine with a cubic capacity of 1767 cm3 and producing up to 42HP was originally developed between 1946 and 1949 and fitted to the 170D (170Da, 170Db, 170DS, 170SD), 180D and 180Db Mercedes Ponton sedans during the 1950s and is considered the forefather of later generations of Mercedes diesels.
      Its design was derived from the M 136 petrol engine fitted to the earlier 170V and with which it shares many dimensional similarities and internal components.
      Numerous automotive applications of the OM 636 include the Mercedes-Benz Unimog 2010, 401, 402 and 411 models, the 319 series transporter as well as in forklift trucks, farm tractors, combine harvesters and other special purpose vehicles. The OM 636 was also used to power electrical generators and stationary water pumps.
      Readily marinised by fitment of a heat exchanger and sea-water cooling system, the OM 636 is popular in many yachts and cruisers throughout the world. Over the years, it has earned an enviable reputation for excellent fuel economy and durability which contributes to its continuing popularity with boat owners in the 21st century.
      During the 1960s, 70s and 80s, the OM 636 engine was marinised by a number of specialist firms throughout Europe. Among them Wizeman WM-36 (Germany), Volvo Penta MD4 (Sweden), Renault RC40D (France), Solé Diesel SM-636 (Spain) and Nannidiesel 4.180 (Italy/France).
      In the UK, the 42 HP OM 636 was marinised and fitted with a Bowman heat exchanger and a belt-driven Jabsco sea-water pump as shown in the picture above.
      After the end of production in Germany, the engine continued to be manufactured under licence in Spain - a testimony to the successful original design. Perhaps the most recent application of the OM 636 was in Thermo King refrigeration units fitted to trucks transporting perishable goods.


      The OM 636 is a water-cooled, vertical diesel engine with a power rating of between 25 and 42 HP at maximum speed dependent on the fuel injection equipment fitted.
      The cast iron crankcase has integral cylinders with a standard bore of 75mm. Re-boring is possible up to a maximum bore of 77mm. Pistons are available in 4 repair sizes. It is also possible to reline the block back to standard bore.
      The injection pump and oil filter are located on the right hand side of the engine (as seen from the flywheel end). The generator, starter motor, oil dipstick and breather pipe are on the left. At the front, an alloy timing cover encloses helical gears driving the camshaft and injection pump off the crankshaft. A side cover seals the valve lifter chamber. The alloy oil sump is bolted to the crankcase.
      The cast iron cylinder head is fastened to the crankcase by hexagon-head bolts. A composite cylinder head gasket seals the combustion chambers and water passages between the head and the crankcase. The cylinder head features removable precombustion chambers into which injectors atomize the diesel fuel for combustion. Pre-heater plugs are used as a starting aid. An alloy rocker cover with an oil filler seals the top of the cylinder head.
      The 3-main bearing, drop-forged crankshaft has hardened bearing surfaces. The centre bearing serves as the thrust bearing. Counterweights on the crankshaft compensate for the rotational inertia in relieving the forces on the main bearings. The coolant pump is driven by a 'V' belt pulley fitted to the front of the crankshaft.
      The forged steel connecting rods are equipped with bronze bushes at the small end to accommodate the piston pin and a 2- piece friction bearing at the big end. The bearing cap is secured to the connecting rod by 2 special bolts and nuts.
      The alloy pistons generally feature 3 compression rings and 2 oil scraper rings. The floating piston pin is retained by circlips. The piston crown is dished.
      The drop-forged camshaft with hardened bearing surfaces and cams is supported by 3 alloy bearings in the crankcase. Axial movement is controlled by the front camshaft bearing which together with the 2nd camshaft bearing is of a split design.
      Each cylinder features an overhead exhaust and inlet valve opened and closed by the camshaft by means of mechanical lifters, pushrods and rocker arms.
      The fuel lift pump is mounted on the injection pump and draws fuel from the tank. It incorporates a hand primer pump that is used the bleed the fuel lines of air (e.g. after filter replacement). Diesel fuel is fed to the injection pump after passing through a filter. The low pressure of this fuel feed to the injection pump is regulated by a pressure relief valve fitted on the fuel filter head. The injection pump delivers fuel under high pressure to the injectors via rigid injector pipes of equal length. On engines fitted with BOSCH injectors excess fuel is returned to the fuel tank by a metallic spill pipe interconnecting the injectors. A flexible fuel spill hose is used on engines fitted with TDZ injectors.
      Depending on application, the injection pump is fitted with a pneumatic or centrifugal governor that controls the amount of fuel injected according to engine load. On engines producing the maximum 42HP an automatic timing device advances the timing of the pump with increasing engine speed.
      Engine lubrication is provided by an oil pump driven by the camshaft. Oil is drawn from the sump and directed into the main oil gallery after being filtered by a fine mesh strainer or cartridge-type filter. Oil is fed to the crankshaft and camshaft bearings via small bores. From the front camshaft bearing, oil continues to the rocker shaft pedestals and cylinder head through external oil lines. The rocker arm bearings and pushrods are lubricated by oil flowing through hollow rocker shafts. Cylinder bores, piston pins and timing gears are splash-lubricated. Two pressure relief valves are fitted to the oil circuit. The main circuit features a relief valve that opens at 8 bar, protecting the engine against excessive oil pressure. The oil filter is equipped with a valve that opens at 2 bar allowing oil to by-pass the filter should it be clogged. Most installations feature an electrical or mechanical gauge to monitor the engine's oil pressure.
      The injection pump and cooling water pumps have their own oil supply and are not connected to the main engine lube circuit. However, modern replacement water pumps feature sealed-for-life bearings and require no maintenance.
      Engine temperature is controlled by means of a belt-driven coolant pump, a radiator or heat exchanger and a thermostat.
      Last edited by Levi; 01-24-2012, 22:22 PM.
      Lord W126 500SE -> 2.5D
      Lady W123 230C -> 240D
      W124 -> 200D
      W208 CLK200 -> 2.0

      W209 CLK200 Kompressor -> 1.8 - ex, gone
      Fricike W201 -> 2.6 - ex, R.I.P.
      Piroska W168 Elegance -> 1.6 - ex, gone


      • #4
        Salutare.Normal ca este un motor mercedes ,altfel nu mai postam in acest forum.Niste baieti vroiau sa/l arunce la fier vechi,motorul fiind in stare perfecta si a avut cuplat un compresor de freon care racea o ciupercarie cand picau motoarele electrice.Nu ii lipseste decat electromotorul.Multumesc pentru informatii.Numai bine


        • #5
          Mă bucur că am putut fi de ajutor.
          Ar fi păcat să se arunce motorul, repet, e unul din cele care duc milionu' de km ... Măcar aşa cum a fost folosit ultima oară (la acel compresor), poate i se mai găseşte o întrebuinţare.
          Cele bune !
          Lord W126 500SE -> 2.5D
          Lady W123 230C -> 240D
          W124 -> 200D
          W208 CLK200 -> 2.0

          W209 CLK200 Kompressor -> 1.8 - ex, gone
          Fricike W201 -> 2.6 - ex, R.I.P.
          Piroska W168 Elegance -> 1.6 - ex, gone


          Logan | Dacia Logan |Anulare DPF