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MMOexp Dark And Darker: The station was eventually destroyed

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  • MMOexp Dark And Darker: The station was eventually destroyed

    The very inception of the Death Star within the Star Wars universe is evil by nature as it is designed to kill billions of lifeforms in a single blast, though it has been revealed that the real origin of the Death Star is way darker than fans realize. The Death Star was a giant space station about the size of Dark And Darker Gold​ a moon that was equipped with a planet-destroying superlaser. In the established Star Wars canon, the Death Star–which was originally designated DS-1 Orbital Battle Station–was designed by the Geonosians before the project was taken over by the Galactic Republic. Once Darth Sidious initiated Order 66 and mass murdered nearly every Jedi in existence, the Empire took control of the plans and began development. The station was eventually destroyed in Star Wars: A New Hope, but not before it was used to destroy Alderaan, Scarif, and Jedha City.​

    Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin by Tim Siedell and Stephen Thompson, Darth Vader is tracking down an organization that wields magic so evil, it rivals the power of the Dark Side of the Force itself. Vader tracks them to a violent and vile civilization on a barbaric moon world. The zealots who live there, known as the Heinsnake Cult, welcome Darth Vader with open arms as they hope he will fulfill their dark prophecy and wield his great power to eradicate the Jedi and the Sith from the galaxy and throw it into chaos. Since they want him on their side, the cult shows Darth Vader the source of one of the greatest weapons on their world: a crystal that multiplies the power of any laser by a factor of trillions. Earlier in the series, this laser was shown decimating an Imperial Star Cruiser like it was nothing, proving that the power it held was no joke. Darth Vader refuses their anarchistic offer to betray his master and kills them all, steals the crystal, and destroys their entire world before going back to the Emperor having successfully completed his mission.

    The crystal Darth Vader stole from the Heinsnake Cult was the key to completing the Death Star, though taking it from its original location came at a terrible price. By removing it, Darth Vader doomed its world of origin to an explosive end, killing every creature that lived there. In a way, the Heinsnake Cult’s homeworld was the first planetary victim of the Death Star as the crystal that made the battle station so deadly was the reason behind its world’s destruction.

    The only way the Empire was able to use a device that had the power to buy Dark And Darker Gold​ destroy a planet with a single blast was to sacrifice the planet of the crystal’s origin. While the idea of creating a device capable of such destruction is evil enough, this Star Wars story reveals that the secret origin of the Death Star is even darker than fans realize.
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