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Decodare VIN

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  • Decodare VIN

    O unealta pentru decodarea VIN (Numar de identificare vehicul) poate fi gasita aici:

    Atentie, e valabila doar pentru masinile fabricate dupa 1980 si pana in 2005.
    Se pare ca functioneaza bine, l-am testat.
    Last edited by mircea600sel; 09-16-2012, 13:54 PM.

  • #2
    Pentru cele pina in 80, vin si eu cu decodorul cerebral...
    Dau semnificatzia primelor 6 cifre din seria caroseriei:


    115.115 - 200 D
    115.110 - 220 D
    115.117 - 240 D
    115.114 - 240 D 3.0

    115.015 - 200 benzina
    115.010 - 220 benzina
    115.017 - 230.4 (adica 4 cilindri)


    114.015 - 230.6 (adica 6 cilindri)
    114.013 - 250
    114.011 - 250 2.8
    114.060 - 280
    114.062 - 280 E

    La bot de cal, diferentza intre W114 si W115 consta in faptul ca W114 au fost cele prevazute din fabrica cu motoare de 6 pe benzina. La W114C (adica la coupe) cifra a cincea se schimba din 1 in 2, respectiv din 6 in 7. Bot de cal 230 coupe nu s-a fabricat.


    116.020 - 280s
    116.024 - 280se
    116.025 - 280sel
    116.028 - 350se
    116.029 - 350sel
    116.032 - 450se
    116.033 - 450sel
    116.036 - 450sel 6.9
    116.120 - 300sd

    Avind in vedere ca W123 Cobra s-a facut dinaintea anului 1980, dam si serii de Cobra.


    123.120 - 200 D
    123.126 - 220 D
    123.123 - 240 D
    123.130 - 300 D
    123.133 - 300 D Turbo

    123.020 - 200 benzina
    123.023 - 230
    123.026 - 250
    123.030 - 280
    123.033 - 280 E

    W123 T, adica breakul, are cifra a cincea diferita, din 2 devine 8, respectiv din 3 devine 9. Break 200D nu s-a fabricat.

    W123C, adica coupe, au fost

    123.043 - 230 C
    123.046 - 250 C
    123.050 - 280 C
    123.053 - 280 C E
    123.150 - 300 C D
    123.153 - 300 C D Turbo

    Au existat si modele cu shasiu lung, LWB-urile, si anume:

    123.125 - 240 D Lang
    123.135 - 300 D Lang
    123.028 - 250 Lang
    123.035 - 280 E Lang

    Asta numai din ce am vazut eu cu ochiul, ce alte informatzii se mai gasesc pe net, nu shtiu, eu pentru asta garantez.
    Cobra dupa 80 are primele trei caractere ale seriei "WDB", din acest an instituindu-se ca standard la Mercedes seria cu 17 caractere, fatza de 14, cite avea inainte.

    Intru si in modele mai vechi si dau citeva serii.


    110.110 - 190 D respectiv 200 D, dupa 1965
    110.010 - 190 respectiv 200, dupa 1965
    110.011 - 230


    108.012 - 250 S
    108.014 - 250 S E
    108.016 - 280 S
    108.018 - 280 S E
    108.019 - 280 S E L
    Last edited by mircea600sel; 07-19-2011, 14:29 PM.


    • #3
      usurel faci capul calindar))


      • #4
        Multumesc draga dok, ca pentru noi, astia cu bunicute mai batrane nu gaseam nimic.


        • #5
          O fi al vostru calindar dupa serii, da eu, care le am in creier de citziva ani, si inca mai am loc si pentru muuuuuulte altele.... Cum o fi ?
          Inca nu sint toate... Mai am in cerebel si de 126, 124...
          Dar alea le da site-ul rusesc, asa ca e mai simplu...


          • #6
            luati d'aci ca am gasit intamplator.. e ca o completare la ce-a zis Dok.

            W108.012 1965–1969 250S 2.5 L M108 I6
            W108.014 1965–1968 250SE 2.5 L M129 I6
            W108.015 1965–1967 300SEb 3.0 L M189 I6
            W108.016 1967–1972 280S 2.8 L M130 I6
            W108.018 1967–1972 280SE 2.8 L M130 I6
            W108.019 1968–1971 280SEL 2.8 L M130 I6
            W108.057 1970–1972 280SE 3.5 3.5 L M116 V8
            W108.058 1970–1972 280SEL 3.5 3.5 L M116 V8
            W108.067 1971–1972 280SE 4.5 4.5 L M117 V8
            W108.068 1971–1972 280SEL 4.5 4.5 L M117 V

            W109.015 1965–1967 300SEL 3.0 L M189 I6
            W109.016 1967–1970 300SEL 2.8 L M130 I6
            W109.018 1967–1972 300SEL 6.3 6.3 L M100 V8
            W109.056 1969–1972 300SEL 3.5 3.5 L M116 V8
            W109.057 1971–1972 300SEL 4.5 4.5 L M117 V8

            W114 1968–1972 230.6 2.3 L M180 I6
            W114 1968–1972 250 2.5 L M114 I6
            W114 1969–1972 250/8 2.8 L M130 I6
            W114 1969–1972 250C 2.8 L M130 I6
            W114 1972–1976 280 2.8 L M110 I6
            W114 1973–1976 280C 2.8 L M110 I6

            W115 1968–1973 200 2.0 L M121 I4
            W115 1973–1976 200 2.0 L M115 I4
            W115 1968–1973 220 2.2 L M115 I4
            W115 1968–1974 220D 2.2 L OM615 Diesel I4
            W115 1973–1976 230.4 2.3 L M115 I4
            W115 1973–1976 240D 2.4 L OM616 Diesel I4
            W115 1975–1976 300D 3.0 L OM617 Diesel I5

            Chassis code Years Model Engine
            W116.02 1973–1980 280 S sedan 2.8 L I6
            W116.024 1973–1980 280 SE sedan 2.8 L I6
            W116.025 1974–1980 280 SEL sedan 2.8 L I6
            W116 1973–1980 350 SE sedan 3.5 L V8
            W116 1973–1980 350 SEL sedan 3.5 L V8
            W116.032 1973–1980 450 SE sedan 4.5 L V8
            W116.033 1973–1980 450 SEL sedan 4.5 L V8
            W116.036 1975–1980 450 SEL 6.9 6.9 L V8
            W116.12 1978–1980 300 SD sedan 3.0 L I5 turbo diesel (USA and Canada only)

            Chassis code Years Model Engine
            W123.020 1976–1980 200 2.0 L M115 I4
            W123.220 1980–1985 200 2.0 L M102 I4
            W123.280 1980–1986 200T 2.0 L M102 I4
            W123.120 1976–1985 200D 2.0 L OM615 I4 Diesel
            W123.126 1976–1979 220D 2.2 L OM615 I4 Diesel
            W123.023 1976–1981 230 2.3 L M115 I4
            W123.223 1980–1985 230E 2.3 L M102 I4
            W123.043 1977–1980 230C 2.3 L M115 I4
            W123.243 1980–1985 230CE 2.3 L M102 I4
            W123.083 1978–1980 230T 2.3 L M115 I4
            W123.283 1980–1986 230TE 2.3 L M102 I4
            W123.123 1976–1985 240D 2.4 L OM616 I4 Diesel
            W123.125 1977–1985 240D LWB 2.4 L OM616 I4 Diesel
            W123.183 1978–1986 240TD 2.4 L OM616 I4 Diesel
            W123.026 1976–1985 250 2.5 L M123 I6
            W123.028 1977–1985 250 LWB 2.5 L M123 I6
            W123.086 1978–1982 250T 2.5 L M123 I6
            W123.030 1976–1981 280 2.8 L M110 I6
            W123.033 1976–1985 280E 2.8 L M110 I6
            W123.050 1977–1980 280C 2.8 L M110 I6
            W123.053 1977–1985 280CE 2.8 L M110 I6
            W123.093 1978–1986 280TE 2.8 L M110 I6
            W123.130 1976–1985 300D 3.0 L OM617 I5 Diesel
            W123.132 1977–1985 300D LWB 3.0 L OM617 I5 Diesel
            W123.133 1981–1985 300D Turbo 3.0 L OM617 I5 Diesel
            W123.150 1977–1981 300CD 3.0 L OM617 I5 Diesel
            W123.153 1981–1985 300CD Turbo 3.0 L OM617 I5 Diesel
            W123.190 1978–1986 300TD 3.0 L OM617 I5 Diesel
            W123.193 1980–1986 300TD Turbo 3.0 L OM617 I5 Diesel

            Nu-i mare lucru in plus.. doar anii intre care s-au fabricat.. dar poate-i este util cuiva.
            Last edited by Danny_bb; 10-18-2007, 13:06 PM.


            • #7
              merge si pentru cele dupa 2005
              DIESEL FAN


              • #8
                Originally posted by dark_mind View Post
                merge si pentru cele dupa 2005
                incearca si spune-ne si noua


                • #9
                  Coduri la modele Mercedes


                  190C 1961-65 110 121.924 GA190C LO 1
                  190D 2.2 1984-85 201.122 601.921 717.4/722.4 LO75Z/68
                  190D 2.5 1986-89 201.126 602.911 717.4/722.4 LS68
                  190D 2.5 TURBO 1987- 201.128 602.961 722.4 LS68
                  190DC 1961-65 110 621.912 GA190DC LO 1
                  190E 2.3 1982-86 201.024 102.961 K 717.4/722.4 LS68
                  190E 2.3 1982-86 201.024 102.985 KE 717.4/722.4 LS68
                  190E 2.3 1987-93 201.028 102.985 KE 717.413/722.408 765.903
                  190E 2.3-16v 1984-87 201.034 102.983 KE 717.4/722.4 765.9
                  190E 2.5-16v 1988-93 201E25 102.983 KE 717.4/722.4 765.9
                  190E 2.6 1986-93 201.029 103.942 KE 717.432/722.409 765.903
                  200 1965-68 110 121.940 GA190C LO 1
                  200CE 1990-93 124.021 102 KE 717.4/722.400 765.905
                  200D 1965-68 110 621.918 GA190DC LO 1
                  200E 1993 124.021 102.963 KE 717.4/722.400 765.905
                  200TE 1988-92 124.021 102. KE 717.4/722.400 765.905
                  220 1967-72 115.010 115.920 722.1 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  220B 1959-65 111 180.940 GA220B LO 1
                  220D 1967-72 115.110 615.912 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  220SB 1959-65 111 180.941 GA220SB LO 1
                  220SE Cabriolet 1951-65 111.023 127.984 GA220SEB LO 1
                  220SE Coupe 1959-65 111.021 127.984 GA220SEB LO 1
                  220SEB 1959-65 111 127.982 GA220SEB LO 1
                  220SEB/C 1951-65 111 127.984 GA220SEB LO 1
                  230 123.023 115.954 722.1 765.706
                  230 1965-66 110 180.945 GA230 LO 1
                  230 1967-72 114.015 180.954 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  230 1973-78 115.017 115.951 716/722.1 L1Z/765.706
                  230S 1965-68 111 180.945 GA220B,SB LO 1

                  MERCEDES-BENZ ACRONYMS

                  230SL 1963-68 113.042 127.981 GA230SL LO 1
                  240D 1973-75 115.117 616.916 716/722.1 L1Z
                  240D 1976-85 123.123 616.912 716.0,.2/722.1 L1Z/765.706
                  250 1967-69 114.010 114.920 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  250 1970-75 114.011 130.923 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  250C 1969-75 114.023 130.923 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  250D 1986-93 124.125 602.912 722.414 765.904
                  250S 1963-68 108 108.920 GA230SL LO 1
                  250SE 1965-68 108 129.980 GA230SL LO 1
                  250SE Cabriolet 1965-68 111.023 129.980 GA230SL LO 1
                  250SE Coupe 1965-68 111.021 129.980 GA230SL LO 1
                  250SL 113.043 129.982 LO 1
                  260E 1985-88 124.026 103.940 KE 717.4/722.4 LSC068/O068
                  280 1972-76 114.060 110.921 722.1 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  280C 1972-76 114.073 110.921 716/717/722.1 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  280CE 1977-85 123.053 110.984 K 716.0/722.1 765.706
                  280E 1976-85 123.033 110.984 K 716.0/722.1 765.706
                  280S 1967-72 108.016 130.920 722.2 L1K/LS75
                  280S 1972-80 116.020 110.922 716/722.1 765.706
                  280SE 1967-72 108.018 130.980 722.2 L1K/LS75
                  280SE 1972-80 116.024 110.985 716.0/722.1 765.706
                  280SE 3.5 Cabriolet 111.025 116.980 LO 1
                  280SE 3.5 Coupe 111.024 116.980 LO 1
                  280SE 4.5 1971-72 108.067 117.984 722.0 LS75
                  280SE Cabriolet 111.025 130.980 LO 1
                  280SE Coupe 111.024 130.980 LO 1
                  280SEL 108.019 130.980 722.2 L1K/LS75
                  280SEL 4.5 1971-72 108.068 117.984 722.0 LS75
                  280SL 113.044 130.983 LO 1
                  300CD 1977-80 123.150 617.912 722.1 765.706
                  300CD Turbo 1982-85 123.153 617.952 722.3/.4 765.706
                  300CE 1987-89 124.050 103.983 KE 717.4/722.3 LS68
                  300CE 1990-92 124.051 104.980 KE 717.4/722.3 LSH068/C068
                  300CE 1993-96 124.052 104.992 HFM 717.4/722.369 765.908
                  300CE Cabriolet 1993-96 124.066 104.992 HFM 717.4/722.369 765.904
                  300D 1975 115.114 617.910 716/722.1 L1Z
                  300D 1976-85 123.130 617.912 716.0/722.1 765.706

                  MERCEDES-BENZ ACRONYMS

                  300D 2.5Turbo 1988-93 124.128 602.962 717.4/722.4 765
                  300D Turbo 1982-85 123.130 617.952 722.3/.4 765.706
                  300D Turbo 1985- 124.133 603.960 722.3 LS68
                  300E 1985-92 124.030 103.983 KE 717.4/722.3 765
                  300E 1993-96 124.032 104.992 HFM 722.369 765.904
                  300E 2.6 1985-92 124.026 103.940 KE 717.4/722.4 765
                  300E 2.8 1985-93 124.028 103.942 KE 717.4/722.4 765.904
                  300E 4MATIC 1987-93 124.230 103.985 KE 717.4/722.342 765.906
                  300SD Turbo 1978-80 116.120 617.950 722.1 765.706
                  300SD Turbo 1981-85 126.120 617.951 722.3 765.706
                  300SD Turbo 1992-93 140.134 603.971 722.367 765.940
                  300SDL Turbo 1985-88 126.125 603.961 722.3 765.706
                  300SE 1961-65 112 189 GA300SE,-E,-EH DB
                  300SE 1985-92 126.024 103.981 KE 717.4/722.351 765.706
                  300SE 1992-93 140.032 104.990 KE 722.502 765.940
                  300SE/C 1961-67 112 189 GA300SE,-E,-EH DB
                  300SEB 1965-72 108 189 GA300SE-EH DB
                  300SEL 109.016 130.981
                  300SEL 1966-68 109 189 GA300SE-EH DB
                  300SEL 1985-92 126.025 103.981 KE 717.431/722.319 765.706
                  300SEL 3.5 1969-72 109.056 116.981 722.2 LS75
                  300SEL 4.5 1971-72 109.057 117.981 722.0 LS75
                  300SEL 6.3 1967-72 109.018 100.981 K4A050 LS75
                  300SL 1988-93 129.061 103 KE 722.500 765.907
                  300SL-24 1990-92 129.061 104.981 KE 722.500 765.907
                  300TD 1978-85 123.190 617.912 716.0/722.1 765.706
                  300TD Turbo 1981-84 123.193 617.952 722.3/.4 765.706
                  300TD Turbo 1985- 124.193 603.960 722.3 LS68
                  300TE 1985-93 124.090/.092 103.983 KE 717.4/722.369 765.904
                  300TE 4MATIC 1987-93 124.290 103.985 KE 717.4/722.342 765.906
                  350SD Turbo 1989-6/91 126.134 603.970 722.361 765.706
                  350SDL Turbo 1989-6/91 126.135 603.970 722.361 765.706
                  380SE 1985-89 126.032 116.963 722.3 765.706
                  380SEC 1985- 126.043 116.983 722.3 765.706
                  380SEL 1980-84 126.033 116.961 722.3 765.706
                  380SEL 1985-89 126.033 116.963 722.3 765.706
                  380SL 1980-89 107.045 116.960 722.3 765.706

                  MERCEDES-BENZ ACRONYMS

                  380SLC 1980-89 107.025 116.960 722.3 765.706
                  400E 1990-93 124.034 119.975 LH 722.354 765.921
                  400SE 7/91- 140.042 119.971 LH 722.3
                  400SEL 1992-93 140.043 119.971 LH 722.366 765.940
                  420SEL 1985-6/91 126.035 116.965 KE 722.351 765.706
                  450SE 1972-73 116.032 117.983 722.0 765.706
                  450SE 1974-80 116.032 117.986 722.0 765.706
                  450SEL 1972-73 116.033 117.983 722.0 765.706
                  450SEL 1974-80 116.033 117.986 722.0 765.706
                  450SL 1971-74 107.044 117.982 722.0 765.706
                  450SL 1975-80 107.044 117.985 722.0 765.706
                  450SLC 1971-74 107.024 117.982 722.0 765.706
                  450SLC 1975-80 107.024 117.985 722.0 765.706
                  500E 1993 124.036 119.974 LH 722.365 765.921
                  500SEC -1992 126.044 117.965 KE 722.356 765.706
                  500SEC 1992-93 140.070 119.970 LH 722.370 765.940
                  500SEL 1985-6/91 126.037 117.963 KA 722.311 765.706
                  500SEL 1992-93 140.051 119.970 LH 722.370 765.940
                  500SL 1990-92 129.066 119.960 KE 722.3 LSG068
                  500SL 1992-93 129.067 119.972 LH 722.364 765.907
                  560SEC 1985- 126.045 117.968 KE 722.350 765.706
                  560SEL 1985- 126.039 117.968 KE 722.350 765.706
                  6.9 1975 116.036 100.985 722.0 765.706
                  600 1964- 100.012 100.980 K4A050 LS75
                  600 1964- 100 100 GA600 DB
                  600 1990-93 129.076 120.981 LH 722.3 LSG068
                  600 Long 4 Door 1964- 100.014 100.980 K4A050 LS75
                  600 Long 6 Door 1964- 100.016 100.980 K4A050 LS75
                  600SEC 1992-93 140.076 120.980 LH 722.362 765.940
                  600SEL 1992-93 140.057 120.980 LH 722.362 765.940
                  600SL 1990-93 129.076 120.981 LH 722.362 765.907
                  C180 1994- 202.018 111.920 PMS 717.416/722.421 765.950
                  C200D 1994- 202.120 601.913 717.416/722.425 765.950
                  C220 1994-96 202.022 111.961 HFM 722.423 765.950
                  C220D 1994 202.121 604.910 EVE 717.416/722.426 765.950
                  C230K 1997-99 202.023 111.974 ME 2.1 722.600 765.950
                  C250D 1994 202.125 605.910 ERE 717.417/722.427 765.950

                  MERCEDES-BENZ ACRONYMS

                  C280 1994-96 202.028 104.941 HFM 722.424 765.950
                  C280 1997- 202.028 104.941 HFM 722.604 765.950/765.922
                  C280 1998-99 202.029 112.920 ME-2.0 722.606 765.950
                  C36AMG 1996-97 202.028 104.941 HFM 722.604 765.922
                  C36AMG 1996-96 202.028 104.941 HFM 722.424 765.922
                  C43 AMG 1998-99 202.033 113.944 ME 2.0 722.631 765.
                  CL500 (Coupe) 1996-97 140.070 119.980 ME 1.0 722.620 765.940
                  CL500 S500 (Coupe) 1996-97 140.070 119.970 ME 1.0 722.620 765.940
                  CL600 S600 1996-98 140.076 120.982 ME 722.621 765.940
                  CLK320 (COUPE) 1998 208.365 112.940 ME 2.0 722.607 765.952
                  E250D 1992-94 124D25 602
                  E250D Turbo 1988-95 124D25 602
                  E280 1994-95 124.028 104.942 HFM 722.433/722.504 765.904
                  E300 1994-95 124.230 103.985 KE 722.342 765.906
                  E300 TURBO DIESEL 1998 210.025 606.982 722.608 768.002
                  E300D 1994-95 124.131 606.910 722.4/722.435 765.904
                  E300D TURBO 1994-95 124.133 603.960 722.4/722.317 765.904
                  E300D 1997-99 210.020 606.912 722.600 768.003
                  E300TD TURBO 1994-95 124.193 603.960 722.4/722.317 765.904
                  E320 1994-95 124.032/052 104.992 HFM 722.369 765.904
                  E320 1996-97 210.055 104.995 HFM 722.605 768.903
                  E320 1998-99 210.065/082/265/282 112.941 ME 2.0 722.607/664 768.002/006
                  E420 1994-95 124.034 119.975 LH 722.366 765.921
                  E420 1996-97 210.072 119.985 ME 1.0 722.625 768.003
                  E430 1998-99 210.070 113.940 ME 2.0 722.623 768.002
                  E500 1994-95 124.036 119.974 LH 722.370 765.921
                  E55 AMG 1999 210 113? ME 2.0 722.6
                  ML320 1998-99 163.154 112.942 722.662 ZF.970.402
                  ML430 1999 163.1 113. ME 2.0 722.6 ZF.970.402
                  S320 1997-98 140.033 (Long) 104.994 HFM 722.605 765.940
                  S320 1997-98 140.032 104.994 HFM 722.605 765.940
                  S320 1994-96 140.032 104.994 HFM 722.508 765.940
                  S320 1996 140.033 (Long) 104.994 HFM 722.508 765.940
                  S350 Turbo Diesel 1994-95 140.134 603.971 722.367 765.940
                  S420 1994-95 140.043 119.971 LH 722.366 765.940
                  S420 1996-97 140.043 119.981 ME 1.0 722.622 765.940
                  S430 1998 208. 113. ME 2.0 722.6
                  MERCEDES-BENZ ACRONYMS
                  S500 (Coupe) 1994-95 140.070 119.970 LH 722.3 765.940
                  S500 1994-95 140.051 119.970 LH 722.370 765.940
                  S500 1996-98 140.051 119.980 ME 1.0 722.620 765.940
                  S600 1996-97 140.057 120.982 ME 1.0 722.621 765.940
                  S600 1994-95 140.057 120.980 LH 722.362 765.940
                  SL320 1994-96 129.063 104.991 HFM 722.507 765.907
                  SL320 1997 129.063 104.991 HFM 722.605 765.907
                  SL500 1994-95 129.067 119.972 LH 722.364 765.907
                  SL500 1996-99 129.067 119.982 ME 1.0 722.620 765.907
                  SL600 1994-95 129.076 120.981 LH 722.362 765.907
                  SL600 1996-98 129.076 120.983 ME 1.0 722.621 765.907
                  SLK230 1998-99 170.447 111.973 ME 2.1 722.605 765.951
                  SLK430 1999 170.4 113. ME 2.0 722.6

                  Mercedes Benz USA Model Identifier
                  Model Years Chassis Engine Transmission Steering

                  190C 1961-65 110 121.924 GA190C LO1
                  190D2.2 1984-85 201.122 601.921 717.4/722.4 LO75Z/68
                  190D2.5 1986-89 201.126 602.911 717.4/722.4 LS68
                  190D2.5TRUBO 1987- 201.128 602.961 722.4 LS68
                  190DC 1961-65 110 621.912 GA190DC LO1
                  190E2.3 1982-86 201.024 102.961K 717.4/722.4 LS68
                  190E2.3 1982-86 201.024 102.985KE 717.4/722.4 LO1
                  190E2.3 1987-93 201.028 102.985KE 717.413/722.408 LS68
                  190E2.3-16V 1984-87 201.034 102.983KE 717.4/722.4 LS68
                  190E2.3-16V 1988-93 201.025 102.983KE 717.4/722.4 765.903
                  190E2.6 1986-93 201.029 102.942KE 717.432/722/409 765.9
                  200 1965-68 110 121.940 GA190C 765.9
                  200CE 1990-93 124.021 102KE 717.4/722.4 765.903
                  200D 1965-68 110 621.918 GA190DC LO1
                  200E 1993 124.021 102.963KE 717.4/722.4 765.905
                  200TE 1988-92 124.021 102.KE 717.4/722.4 765.905
                  220 1967-72 115.010 115.920 722.1 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  220B 1959-65 111 180.940 GA220B LO1
                  220D 1967-72 115.110 615.912 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  220SB 1951-65 111 180.941 GA220SB LO1
                  220SECabriolet 1959-65 111.023 127.984 GA220SEB LO1
                  220SE Coupe 1959-65 111.021 127.984 GA220SEB LO1
                  220SEB 1951-65 111 127.982 GA220SEB LO1
                  220SEB/C 1951-65 111 127.984 GA220SEB LO1
                  230   123.023 115.954 722.1 765.706
                  230 1965-66 110 180.945 GA230 LO1
                  230 1967-72 114.015 180.954 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  230 1973-78 115.017 115.951 716.722.1 L1Z/765.706
                  230S 1965-68 111 180.945 GA220B,SB LO1
                  230SL 1963-68 113.042 127.981 GA230SL LO1
                  240D 1973-75 115.117 616.916 716/722.1 L1Z
                  240D 1976-85 123.123 616.912 716.0,.2/722.1 L1Z/765.706
                  250 1967-69 114.010 114.920 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  250 1970-75 114.011 130.923 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  250C 1969-75 114.023 130.923 722.2 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  250D 1986-93 124.125 602.912 722.414 765.904
                  250S 1963-68 108 108.920 GA230SL LO1
                  250SE 1965-68 108 129.980 GA230SL LO1
                  250SE Cabriolet 1965-68 111.023 129.980 GA230SL LO1
                  250SE Coupe 1965-68 111.021 129.980 GA230SL LO1
                  250SL   113.043 129.982   LO1
                  260E 1985-88 124.026 103.940KE 717.4/722.4 LSC068/O068
                  280 1972-76 114.060 110.921 722.1 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  280C 1972-76 114.073 110.921 716/717/722.1 L1Z/LS75/765.706
                  280CE 1977-85 123.053 110.984K 716.0/722.1 765.706
                  280E 1976-85 123.033 110.984K 716.0/722.1 765.706
                  280S 1967-72 108.016 130.920 722.2 L1K/LS75
                  280S 1972-80 116.020 110.922 716.0/722.1 765.706
                  280SE 1967-72 108.018 130.980 722.2 L1K/LS75
                  280SE 1972-80 116.024 110.985 716.0/722.1 765.706
                  280SE3.5Cabriolet 111.025 116.980   LO1
                  280SE3.5Coupe   111.024 116.980   LO1
                  280SE 4.5 1971-72 108.067 117.984 722.0 LS75
                  280SE Cabriolet   111.025 130.980   LO1
                  280SE Coupe   111.024 130.980   LO1
                  280SEL   108.019 130.980 722.2 L1K/LS75
                  280SEL 4.5 1971-72 108.068 117.984 722.0 LS75
                  280SL   113.044 130.983   LO1
                  300CD 1977-80 123.150 617.912 722.1 765.706
                  300CD Turbo 1982-85 123.153 617.952 722.3/.4 765.706
                  300CE 1987-89 124.050 103.983KE 717.4/722.3 LS68
                  300CE 1990-92 124.051 104.980KE 717.4/722.3 LSH068/C068
                  300CE 1993-96 124.052 104.992HFM 717.4/722.369 765.908
                  300CE Cabriolet 1993-96 124.066 104.992HFM 717.4/722.369 765.904
                  300D 1975 115.114 617.910 716/722.1 L1Z
                  300D 1976-85 123.130 617.912 716.0/722.1 765.706
                  300D 2.5Turbo 1988-93 124.128 602.962 717.4/722.4 765
                  300D Turbo 1982-85 123.130 617.952 722.3/.4 765.706
                  300D Turbo 1985- 124.133 603.960 722.3 LS68
                  300E 1985-92 124.030 103.983KE 717.4/722.3 765
                  300E 1993-96 124.032 104.992HFM 722.369 765.904
                  300E 2.6 1985-92 124.026 103.940KE 717.4/722.4 765
                  300E 2.8 1985-93 124.028 103.942KE 717.4/722.4 765.904
                  300E 4MATIC 1987-93 124.230 103.985KE 717.4/722.342 765.906
                  300SD Turbo 1978-80 116.120 617.950 722.1 765.906
                  300SD Turbo 1981-85 126.120 617.951 722.3 765.906
                  300SD Turbo 1992-93 140.134 603.971 722.367 765.940
                  300SDL Turbo 1985-88 126.125 603.961 722.3 765.906
                  300SE 1961-65 112 189 GA300SE,-E,-EH DB
                  300SE 1985-92 126.024 103.981KE 717.4/722.351 765.706
                  300SE 1992-93 140.032 104.990LH 722.502 765.940
                  300SE/C 1961-67 112 189 GA300SE,-E,-EH DB
                  300SEB 1965-72 108 189 GA300SE,-EH DB
                  300SEL   109.016 130.981    
                  300SEL 1966-68 109 189 GA300SE-EH DB
                  300SEL 1985-92 126.025 130.981KE 717.431/722.319 765.706
                  300SEL 3.5 1969-72 109.056 116.981 722.2 LS75
                  300SEL 4.5 1969-72 109.057 117.981 722.0 LS75
                  300SEL 6.3 1971-72 109.018 100.981 K4A050 LS75
                  300SL 1988-93 129.061 103KE 722.500 765.907
                  300SL-24 1990-92 129.061 104.981KE 722.500 765.907
                  300TD 1978-85 123.190 617.912 716.0/722.1 765.706
                  300TD Turbo 1981-84 123.193 617.952 722.3/.4 765.706
                  300TD Turbo 1985- 124.193 603.960 722.3 LS68
                  300TE 1985-93 124.090/.092 103.983KE 717.4/722.369 765.904
                  300TE 4MATIC 1987-93 124.290 103.985KE 7174/722.342 765.906
                  350SD Turbo 1989-6/91 126.134 603.970 722.361 765.706
                  350SD Turbo 1989-6/91 126.135 603.970 722.361 765.706
                  380SE 1985-89 126.032 116.963 722.3 765.706
                  380SEC 1985- 126.043 116.983 722.3 765.706
                  380SEL 1980-84 126.033 116.961 722.3 765.706
                  380SEL 1985-89 126.033 116.963 722.3 765.706
                  380SL 1980-89 107.045 116.960 722.3 765.706
                  380SLC 1980-89 107.025 116.960 722.3 765.706
                  400E 1990-93 124.034 119.975LH 722.354 765.921
                  400SE 1992-93 140.042 119.971LH 722.3  
                  400SEL 1992-93 140.043 119.971LH 722.366 765.940
                  420SEL 1985-6/91 126.035 116.965KE 722.351 765.706
                  450SE 1972-73 116.032 117.983 722.0 765.706
                  450SE 1974-80 116.032 117.986 722.0 765.706
                  450SEL 1972-73 116.033 117.983 722.0 765.706
                  450SEL 1974-80 116.033 117.986 722.0 765.706
                  450SL 1971-74 107.044 117.982 722.0 765.706
                  450SL 1975-80 107.044 117.985 722.0 765.706
                  450SLC 1971-74 107.024 117.982 722.0 765.706
                  450SLC 1975-80 107.024 117.985 722.0 765.706
                  500E 1993 124.036 119.974LH 722.365 765.921
                  500SEC -1992 126.044 117.965KE 722.356 765.706
                  500SEC 1992-93 140.070 119.970LH 722.370 765.940
                  500SEL 1985-91 126.037 117.963KA 722.311 765.706
                  500SEL 1992-93 140.051 119.970LH 722.370 765.940
                  500SL 1990-92 129.066 119.960KE 722.3 LSG068
                  500SL 1992-93 129.067 119.972LH 722.364 765.907
                  560SEC 1985- 126.045 117.968KE 722.350 765.706
                  560SEL 1985- 126.039 117.968KE 722.350 765.706
                  6.9 1975 116.036 100.985 722.0 765.706
                  600 1964- 100.012 100.980 K4A050 LS75
                  600 1964- 100 100 GA600 DB
                  600 1990-93 129.076 120.981LH 722.3 LSG068
                  600 Long 4Door 1964- 100.014 100.980 K4A050 LS75
                  600 Long 4Door 1964- 100.016 100.980 K4A050 LS75
                  600SEC 1992-93 140.076 120.980LH 722.362 765.940
                  600SEL 1992-93 140.057 120.980LH 722.362 765.940
                  600SL 1990-93 129.076 129.980LH 722.262 765.907
                  C180 1994- 202.018 111.920PMS 717.416/722.421 765.950
                  C220D 1994- 202.120 601.913 717.416.722.425 765.950
                  C220 1994-96 202.022 111.961HFM 722.423 765.950
                  C220D 1994 202.121 604.910EVE 717.416/722.426 765.950
                  C230 1997-98 202.023 111.974ME2.1 722.600 765.950
                  C230 1999-2000 202.024 111.975ME2.1 722.600 765.950
                  C230 Kompressor 2001- 202.747 111.981ME 722.616  
                  C240 2001 203.061 112.912ME2.8 716.6/722.696  
                  C240 4Matic 2001 203.081 112.912ME2.8 716.6/722.667  
                  C250D 1994 202.125 605.910ERE 717.417/722.427 765.950
                  C280 1994-96 202.028 104.941HFM 722.424 765.950
                  C280 1997- 202.028 104.941HFM 722.604 765.950/765.922
                  C280 1998-99 202.029 112.920ME2.0 722.606 765.950
                  C320 2001 203.064 112.946ME2.8 722.618  
                  C320 2001 203.264 112.946ME2.8 722.633  
                  C320 4 Matic 2002 203.084 112.946ME2.8 622.668  
                  C320 4 Matic 2002 203.284 112.912ME2.8 722.668  
                  C32 AMG Komp 2002 203.065 112.961 722.633  
                  C36 AMG 1996-97 202.028 104.941HFM 722.604 765.922
                  C36 AMG 1996-96 202.028 104.941HFM 722.424 965.922
                  C43 AMG 1998-99 202.033 113.944ME2.0 722.631 765.950
                  CL500(Coupe) 1996-99 140.070 119.980ME1.0 722.620 765.940
                  CL500(Coupe) 2000 215.375 113.960ME2.0 722.633 965.9
                  CL500(Coupe) 2001- 215.375 113.960ME2.8 722.633 968.012
                  CL500AMG 2001- 215.373 113.960ME2.8    
                  CL55AMG Komp 2002 215.374 113.991 722.636  
                  CL600 S600 1996-98 140.076 120.982ME1 722.621 765.940
                  CL600   215.376 275.95 722.649  
                  CL600   215.378 137.970 722.628  
                  CLK320(Coupe/Cabrio) 1998-2001 208.365/465 112.940ME2.0 722.607 765.952
                  CLK320 2002- 209.365 112.946 722.618  
                  CLK430(Coupe) 1999-2001 208.370/.470 113.944/943ME2.0 722.6 765.952
                  CLK500 2002- 209.275 113.968 722.633  
                  CLK55 2001 208.374 113.984ME2.8 722.636  
                  E250D 1992-94 124.025 602    
                  E250D Turbo 1988-95 124.025 602    
                  E280 1994-95 124.028 104.942HFM 722.433/722.504 765.904
                  E300 1994-95 124.230 103.985KE 722.342 765.906
                  E300Turbo Diesel 1998-99 210.025 606.962IFI 722.608 768.002
                  E300D 1994-95 124.131 606.910 722.4/722.435 765.904
                  E300D Turbo 1994-95 124.133 603.960 722.4/722.317 765.904
                  E300D 1997 210.020 606.912IFI 722.600 768.003
                  E300D Turbo 1994-95 124.193 603.960 722.4/722.317 765.904
                  E320 1994-95 124.032/052 104.992HFM 722.369 765.904
                  E320 1996 210.055 104.995HFM 722.605 768.903
                  E320 1997 210.055 104.995ME2.1 722.605 768.903
                  E320Sedan/4-matic 1998-99 210.065/082 112.995ME2.0 722.607/664 768.002
                  E320Sedan/4-matic 1998-99 210.265/282 112.995ME2.0 722.607/664 768.006
                  E320Sedan/4-matic 2001 210.065/082 112.941ME2.8 722.607/664 768.002
                  E320Sedan/4-matic 2001 210.265/282 112.941ME2.8 722.607/664 768.006
                  E420 1994-95 124.034 119.975LH 722.366 765.921
                  E420 1996-97 210.072 119.985ME1.0 722.625 768.003
                  E430 1998-99 210.070 113.940ME2.0 722.623 768.002
                  E430Sedan/4matic 2001 210.070/083 113.940ME2.8 722.623 768.002/-
                  E500 1994-95 124.036 119.974LH 722.370 765.921
                  E500 2002 211.070 113.967 722.633  
                  E55 AMG 1999 210 113?ME2.0 722.6  
                  E55 AMG 2001 210.074 113.980ME2.8 722.6  
                  ML320 1998-99 163.154 112.942 722.662 ZF.970.402
                  ML430 1999 163.1 113.ME2.0 722.6 ZF.970.402
                  ML55 2000 163 113ME2.0 722.6  
                  S320 1994-96 140.032 104.994HFM 722.508 765.940
                  S320 1997-99 140.032 104.99?ME2.1 722.605 765.940
                  S320 1996 140.033(Long) 104.994HFM 722.508 765.940
                  S320 1997-99 140.033(Long) 104.99?ME2.1 722.605 765.940
                  S350Tuobro Diesel 1994-95 140.134 603.971 722.367 765.940
                  S420 1994-95 140.043 119.971LH 722.366 765.940
                  S420 1996-99 140.043 119.981ME1.0 722.622 765.940
                  S430 1998-99 140.0 113.ME2.0 722.6  
                  S430 2000 220.170 113.941ME2.0 722.6  
                  S430 2001 220.170 113.941ME2.8 722.632  
                  S500(Coupe) 1994-95 140.070 119.970LH 722.3 765.940
                  S500(Coupe) 1996-98 140.070 119.970ME1.0 722.620 765.940
                  S500 1994-95 140.051 119.970LH 722.370 765.940
                  S500 1996-99 140.051 119.980ME1.0 722.620 765.940
                  S500 2000 220.175 113.960ME2.0 722.6  
                  S500 2001 220.175 113.960ME2.8 722.6  
                  S55AMG 2002 220 113 722.6  
                  S600 1994-95 140.057 120.980LH 722.362 765.940
                  S600 1996-99 140.057 120.982ME1.0 722.621 765.940
                  S600 2000-2001 220.178 120.982ME1.0 722.621 765.940
                  S600lg 2002- 220.178 137.970 722.628  
                  SL280 1994-96 129.058 104.943HFM 722  
                  SL280 1997-99 129.058 104.94ME2.1 722  
                  SL320 1994-96 129.063 104.991HFM 722.507 765.907
                  SL320 1997 129.063 194.991HFM 722.605 765.907
                  SL500 1994-95 129.067 119.972LH 722.364 765.907
                  SL500 1996-98 129.067 119.982ME1.0 722.620 765.907
                  SL500 1999-2001 129.068 113.961ME2.0 722.620/.624 765.907
                  SL500 2002- 230.475 113.963 722.633  
                  SL600 1994-95 129.076 120.981LH 722.362 765.907
                  SL600 1996-2001 129.076 120.983ME1.0 722.621 765.907
                  SL600 2003 230 137 722.6  

                  aici de la pagina nr.164 cele de mai sus in tabel , si multe altele.
                  Last edited by orca; 04-24-2008, 00:53 AM.
                  .. ________ ..
                  Ma plimb dimineata ca sa fiu liber dupa amiaza si sunt de acord cu orice afacere care nu degenereaza in munca.


                  • #10
                    Unde cautam VIN-ul?

                    Vreau sa ma uit si eu, de curiozitate, daca gasesc informatii despre masina mea dupa VIN.
                    Pe ce site-uri as putea incerca?


                    • #11
                      Pe Forumul ClubMercedes Romania!

                      W123 280E Blue Green Metallic

                      W126 280SE Champagne Metallic
                      W126 280SE Black Blue Metallic
                      W126 300SE Anthracite Grey Metallic
                      W126 500SE Nautical Blue Metallic
                      W126 500SE Midnight Dark Blue

                      W202 C180 T-Modell Tourmaline Green Metallic
                      W202 C220 CDI T-Modell Tourmaline Green Metallic


                      • #12
                        Mda, masina mea e fabricata cu putin inainte de 1980.
                        Probabil ca nu existau oameni pe vremea aia.


                        • #13
                          Zi-mi VIN-ul ca poate te ajut eo cu ceva informatii.


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Tot pe site-ul rusesc se gaseste si o reprezentare vizuala a tipurilor si a perioadei de fabricatie:


                              Logan | Dacia Logan |Anulare DPF