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"Grand Bazar" W123

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  • "Grand Bazar" W123

    Se vand piese de W123 240D. Motor, cutie, elementei interior, geamuri etc etc.

    Contact: tel: 0740.783.783
    Motor + cutie automata + selector viteze + cardan + flansa cardan fata/spate 300 euro

    Tulumba 80 RON

    Ceas bord 60 RON

    Elemente interior culoare verde...150 RON

    Izolatie sub luneta 20 RON

    Consola centrala 80 RON
    Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

    W126 280SE
    W123 280CE
    W126 500SEC
    W220 500L

    'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'

  • #2
    Urmatoarele piese...

    Scaune fata + bancheta spate 80 RON

    Furtunasele vacuum 20 RON

    Clima 80 RON

    Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

    W126 280SE
    W123 280CE
    W126 500SEC
    W220 500L

    'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


    • #3
      Bord 100 RON

      Rezervor 80 RON.......(are o sudura mica)

      Grila capota 100 RON.....necesita spalare (se cunoaste unde am curatat un pic)

      Macara geam 60 RON
      Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

      W126 280SE
      W123 280CE
      W126 500SEC
      W220 500L

      'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


      • #4
        Pereche stopuri 50 RON

        Luneta ionizata (oglinda) 150 RON

        Set geamuri fata + spate + triunghiurile cu garnitura 100 RON

        Contact: mess. mer_se280 tel: 0740.783.783
        Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

        W126 280SE
        W123 280CE
        W126 500SEC
        W220 500L

        'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


        • #5
          ofer 50 lei + transport pe grila fata


          • #6
            Originally posted by bodi1 View Post
            ofer 50 lei + transport pe grila fata
            Ai mesaj pe privat!
            Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

            W126 280SE
            W123 280CE
            W126 500SEC
            W220 500L

            'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


            • #7

              Ai cumva un contact bun de W123? Mi-ar trebui, eventual, daca nu complet, si numai partea electrica.
              Un pret si o poza daca se poate!
              Multumesc anticipat!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sechi View Post
                Ai cumva un contact bun de W123? Mi-ar trebui, eventual, daca nu complet, si numai partea electrica.
                Un pret si o poza daca se poate!
                Multumesc anticipat!
                Contact bun, din pacate cu o singura cheie...pret 60 RON (trimit prin posta ca sa fie mai ieftin)

                Urmatoarele piese...

                carlig original + suruburi de prindere...(din pacate suportul mufei s-a rupt din sudura si a fost nevoit sa fie vede in poza)...pret 150 RON

                Balamale capota motor + arcuri 80 RON

                Sistem de blocare/deblocare capota motor 50 RON

                Volan 50 RON (are o crapatura mica)

                Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                W126 280SE
                W123 280CE
                W126 500SEC
                W220 500L

                'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                • #9

                  Pereche oglinda 80RON

                  Ghidaj aer 30RON

                  Usita 25RON

                  Oglinda 50 RON

                  Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                  W126 280SE
                  W123 280CE
                  W126 500SEC
                  W220 500L

                  'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                  • #10
                    Macara geam (spate) perechea 80RON

                    Aparatoarea de sub volan 50RON

                    Difuzor radiator 30RON (este nituita partea de jos)

                    Coloana de directie 100RON

                    Set clanta (fara cheie ) 80RON

                    Semnalizare (lipseste un surub) 50RON

                    Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                    W126 280SE
                    W123 280CE
                    W126 500SEC
                    W220 500L

                    'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                    • #11
                      Blocul de lumini 60 RON

                      Ornamente capota 50 RON

                      Robinet + furtun la incalzire 70 RON

                      Incuietoare portbagaj, perechea 40 RON

                      Iala portbagaj (merge greu cheia...necesita ungere) (se vede cheia in doua pozitii) 50 RON

                      Ghidaj scaune fata 20 RON

                      Manere spate 30 RON

                      Pompita vacuum pentru inchidere centralizata 60 RON

                      Centuri 80 RON setul
                      Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                      W126 280SE
                      W123 280CE
                      W126 500SEC
                      W220 500L

                      'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                      • #12
                        Scuze pentru intarziere...doar azi am reusit sa trimit piesele pentru colegii:

                        Bodi1 - grila capota

                        Grigorean - furtunase vacuum

                        Sechi - contact

                        Demiurgos - ceas bord

                        Cine doreste poze mai indetaliate sa apeleze cu incredere.

                        Pozele pieselor vandute se vor sterge. Urmatoarele piese vor aparea maine.

                        Apelati cu incredere, ca din "GRAND BAZAR" nu pleaca nimeni cu mainile goale

                        Urmatoarele piese...

                        Arcuri 2 spate si 1 fata, pret 20 RON buc

                        Inchizator/blocator 40 RON toate 4

                        Toba intermediar in stare buna...producator Bosal 150 RON

                        Toba finala in stare buna...tot Bosal 150 RON

                        Last edited by Carmine; 03-27-2011, 19:53 PM.
                        Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                        W126 280SE
                        W123 280CE
                        W126 500SEC
                        W220 500L

                        'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                        • #13
                          Garnitura in care culiseaza geamul fata/spate 40 RON toate 4 (una are o crapatura)

                          Ornament de sub stopuri 30 RON perechea

                          Arcuri capota portbagaj 25 RON perechea

                          Suport punte spate 20 RON perechea

                          Ornament usa/aripa (este incomplet) toate la 40 RON

                          Ornamente chedere parbriz 80 RON

                          Ornamente chedere luneta 80 RON
                          Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                          W126 280SE
                          W123 280CE
                          W126 500SEC
                          W220 500L

                          'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                          • #14
                            Ornamente chromate, toate (stanga/dreapta) pret 100 RON

                            Pompa vacuum 60 RON

                            Manivele macara geam + ornamente chromate + clanta usa...toate la 60 RON

                            Garnitura antena 20 RON

                            Contact claxon de sub volan 25 RON

                            Ghidaj/blocator usa sofer 15 RON

                            Balamale usa fata 30 RON perechea

                            Dopuri capace din cauciuc/plastic, toate 20 RON
                            Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                            W126 280SE
                            W123 280CE
                            W126 500SEC
                            W220 500L

                            'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                            • #15
                              Tije metalice, toate la 20 RON

                              Furtunuri din cauciuc, toate la 30 RON

                              Garnitura trapa + ornament trapa (webasto) 30 RON

                              Ornament aripa spate (lipseste un cheder) perechea 25 RON

                              Sistem de la stergator + motoras 60 RON

                              Suport + pedala frana 50 RON

                              Suport + pedala frana de mana (la picior) 50 RON

                              Vas lichid frana 30 RON
                              Bruno Sacco... “for the designer, the automobile is one of the most complex design problems of all. The car is a synthesis between function and aesthetics on the one hand, and a number of other concrete and abstract factors which undergo constant change.

                              W126 280SE
                              W123 280CE
                              W126 500SEC
                              W220 500L

                              'Mercedes Benz...The Best or Nothing'


                              Logan | Dacia Logan |Anulare DPF